Italian Rod Building
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ItRB è marchio registrato a nome dell'amministratore. Si fa espresso divieto di utilizzare il marchio ItRB in modo proprio o improprio se non nei modi e nelle forme approvate dall'amministratore. Per i contravventori l'amministrazione si riserva di adire alle vie legali nel pieno rispetto della proprietà e dei diritti da essa proveniente. Del marchio succitato è vietata la riproduzione e l'utilizzo se non previa concessione di licenza non trasferibile. L'utente riconosce espressamente tutti i diritti dell'amministratore relativi al marchio ItRB. L'utente è, altresì, consapevole che accedendo a questo sito, e partecipando a scritti, attività o iniziative di qualunque natura e a qualunque livello, non acquisterà alcun diritto connesso al sito od al marchio, né alcun avviamento in una qualsivoglia attività. L'utente si obbliga, inoltre, a non disporre, direttamente o per interposta persona, del marchio ItRB ad alcun titolo ne in favore di se stesso ne di terzi, siano essi persone fisiche e/o giuridiche.

Still Counting" - Boat fishing rod

2 partecipanti

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Still Counting" - Boat fishing rod Empty Still Counting" - Boat fishing rod

Messaggio Da Nuno Paulino Sab Mag 10, 2014 2:23 pm

This is a rebuild of a boat fishing rod.
3,20m blank hand painted and varnished by me trying to recreate an old and worn out rod.
Mudhole reel seat, Fuji K guides and Eva butt and grips with inlays made using the technique that i create.
The graphic is very simple only with the same fish silhouette that i use in the grip inlays. The idea it was making something similar to what the cowboys use to do when they kill someone they put a mark on the gun. Thats the meaning of this fish silhouette and the name "Still Counting.  

Still Counting" - Boat fishing rod Migmo_II_butt
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Still Counting" - Boat fishing rod Migmo_II_grip
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Still Counting" - Boat fishing rod Migmo_II_grip1
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Still Counting" - Boat fishing rod Migmo_II_reelseat
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Still Counting" - Boat fishing rod Migmo_II_reelseat2
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Still Counting" - Boat fishing rod Migmo_II_graphic_master

Still Counting" - Boat fishing rod Migmo_II_guide
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Still Counting" - Boat fishing rod Migmo_II_guide1

Still Counting" - Boat fishing rod Migmo_II_guide2
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Still Counting" - Boat fishing rod Migmo_II_detail
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Still Counting" - Boat fishing rod Migmo_II_detail1
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Still Counting" - Boat fishing rod Migmo_II_detail2
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Hope you guys like this one

Nuno Paulino
Nuno Paulino
Advanced members
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Messaggi : 67
Data d'iscrizione : 03.03.12
Età : 53

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Still Counting" - Boat fishing rod Empty Re: Still Counting" - Boat fishing rod

Messaggio Da Trotista Dom Mag 11, 2014 10:42 pm

Dear Nuno,
This is not a fishing's a masterpiece.
I Will post one rod of balance... big smile

Messaggi : 287
Data d'iscrizione : 12.11.10
Età : 53
Località : Prov. LODI

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Still Counting" - Boat fishing rod Empty Re: Still Counting" - Boat fishing rod

Messaggio Da Ospite Dom Mag 11, 2014 11:57 pm

Mr nuno
your works are spectacular works of art
the technique you use to inlay grips are fantastic
is there any guide where you can learn this beautiful technique?
I make so many compliments

sorry for my bad English, but I'm using google translator Smile


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Still Counting" - Boat fishing rod Empty Re: Still Counting" - Boat fishing rod

Messaggio Da Nuno Paulino Lun Mag 12, 2014 4:09 pm

Mr Hunter_fish,

You can see a detailed step by step article in the April issue of the "RodMaker" magazine. After read it if you still need some assistance i will be glad to help.

By the way your English is much better that my Italian  Wink 

Nuno Paulino
Nuno Paulino
Advanced members
Advanced members

Messaggi : 67
Data d'iscrizione : 03.03.12
Età : 53

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Still Counting" - Boat fishing rod Empty Re: Still Counting" - Boat fishing rod

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