Italian Rod Building
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ItRB è marchio registrato a nome dell'amministratore. Si fa espresso divieto di utilizzare il marchio ItRB in modo proprio o improprio se non nei modi e nelle forme approvate dall'amministratore. Per i contravventori l'amministrazione si riserva di adire alle vie legali nel pieno rispetto della proprietà e dei diritti da essa proveniente. Del marchio succitato è vietata la riproduzione e l'utilizzo se non previa concessione di licenza non trasferibile. L'utente riconosce espressamente tutti i diritti dell'amministratore relativi al marchio ItRB. L'utente è, altresì, consapevole che accedendo a questo sito, e partecipando a scritti, attività o iniziative di qualunque natura e a qualunque livello, non acquisterà alcun diritto connesso al sito od al marchio, né alcun avviamento in una qualsivoglia attività. L'utente si obbliga, inoltre, a non disporre, direttamente o per interposta persona, del marchio ItRB ad alcun titolo ne in favore di se stesso ne di terzi, siano essi persone fisiche e/o giuridiche.

Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!

Massimo Milone
Cosimo Angione
Marco Marco
Nuno Paulino
12 partecipanti

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Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!  Empty Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!

Messaggio Da Nuno Paulino Mer Ott 16, 2013 12:13 am

This time i bring you two blue rods. One three piece Surfcasting rod that is a rebuild and a brand new two piece Snapper rod.
Same color, different techniques used and different kind of fishing.
First the surfcasting one.

Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!  Ishj

This one is a rebuild of a Tubertini rod. I used Fuji low rider guides, Alps reel seat and a synthetic blue ray leather grip with aluminum butt. The theme for this rod was the metal band Metallica.  

Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!  9bz4

My logo half way up in the grip.

Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!  Qczg

Alps reel seat with the central part with the same leather that i used in the grip.

Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!  Mwm1

The graphic have the Metallica logo, the client name and the  vocalist James Hetfield.

Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!  0imq

Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!  Ev67

Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!  Oak3

Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!  Tzm7

The guide wraps where made with Pro Wrap metallic thread and Sulky. Blue, black and silver Pro Wrap and Sulky silver and black thread.

Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!  08es

Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!  Mpec

Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!  I1fr

Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!  678h

The second rod is a snapper rod build with an American Tackle blank, Alps reel seat and guides and an eva split grip with the central part covered with the same blue leather.

Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!  Rvnh

The grip

Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!  Au6p

Alps reel seat with blue leather in the windows.

Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!  Ffa8

The graphic its very simple, just an abstract image with the client name and my logos and a Gilt Head Bream.

Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!  Jl1u

Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!  0nr6

Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!  V9r5

Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!  Xve5

The guides and all the wraps are made with marble effect in light blue, dark blue and silver with black and silver trim.

Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!  2j24

Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!  Ygr4

Thank you for watching!

Nuno Paulino
Nuno Paulino
Advanced members
Advanced members

Messaggi : 67
Data d'iscrizione : 03.03.12
Età : 52

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Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!  Empty Re: Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!

Messaggio Da Marco Marco Mer Ott 16, 2013 1:22 am

O.O stupende
Marco Marco
Marco Marco
New members
New members

Messaggi : 45
Data d'iscrizione : 01.08.13
Località : Roma

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Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!  Empty Re: Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!

Messaggio Da Cosimo Angione Mer Ott 16, 2013 8:24 am

As I always have said your rods are simply a state of the art!
Cosimo Angione
Cosimo Angione

Messaggi : 1083
Data d'iscrizione : 05.02.10
Età : 51
Località : Lecce

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Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!  Empty Re: Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!

Messaggio Da Massimo Milone Mer Ott 16, 2013 9:29 am

Mamm d'ò Carmine !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!  797865 

Super complimenti !!!!
Massimo Milone
Massimo Milone
Cool Builders
Cool Builders

Messaggi : 464
Data d'iscrizione : 19.11.12
Località : Napoli - Procida

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Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!  Empty Re: Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!

Messaggio Da sbiegosea Mer Ott 16, 2013 9:59 am

Wow affraid affraid affraid  very,very,very beautiful . The metellica, are one of my favorite bands. Twisted Evil
Cool Builders
Cool Builders

Messaggi : 381
Data d'iscrizione : 27.12.11
Età : 40
Località : lecce

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Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!  Empty Re: Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!

Messaggio Da INDIANRIP Mer Ott 16, 2013 10:05 am

Molto custom, molto effetto estetico, apprezzo molto il tuo lavoro, ma personalmente non godo con montaggi troppo spinti.... americani, passami il termine.
Il porta mulinello alps non mi piace come abbinamento nel cotesto estetico, le resinature sono stupende ma trovo che su alcuni anelli, nella parte interna, la resina sale troppo intorno al frame..col tempo si lesionerà inevitabilmente

Antonio Bonfa'

Messaggi : 1674
Data d'iscrizione : 23.01.10
Età : 59
Località : Ancona

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Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!  Empty Re: Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!

Messaggio Da Nuno Paulino Mer Ott 16, 2013 10:38 am

Thank you for the comments and the criticisms!

Antonio, about the aesthetics of the reel seat, well we cant always make what we think that is the best aesthetics and we cant make something that everybody likes. This is a fishing rod customized to a client and the performance of the rod as to be priority number one according with what client wants and what are there needs.
The finish going so high in the guide frame its not that bad as you say. This is the only way that i find to prevent salt corrosion in the guide feet. Of course that in the long term the finish will be damage with the oscillating movements of the guide frames but i prefer that to a rusty frame. When that happen i will solve the problem.
Just one more thing, i build custom rods and i try to make them as beautiful as i can without changing the performance and if possible make it with a better one but i don't build rods that will last forever. Thats not my propose. I build rods that are unique pieces and will last much much longer than a factory rod.
Thank you for your comment Antonio. Its good to know that someone is watching my work carefully. Thank you for that.
Nuno Paulino
Nuno Paulino
Advanced members
Advanced members

Messaggi : 67
Data d'iscrizione : 03.03.12
Età : 52

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Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!  Empty Re: Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!

Messaggio Da INDIANRIP Mer Ott 16, 2013 10:45 am

Grazie per la tua presenza sulla community, ho espresso solo una mia opinione e tu non credo devi dare alcuna spiegazione, i tuoi lavori dicono tutto ok 

Antonio Bonfa'

Messaggi : 1674
Data d'iscrizione : 23.01.10
Età : 59
Località : Ancona

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Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!  Empty Re: Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!

Messaggio Da Ospite Mer Ott 16, 2013 10:57 am

Huge job Nuno! ok 
just a question about your graphics, is it decals or what? Question


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Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!  Empty Re: Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!

Messaggio Da johninthewind Mer Ott 16, 2013 11:08 am

Nuno you are simply great !!

Per me il rod building non è solo una attività artigianale, ma come nel caso di Nuno diventa una vera e proprio espressione artistica. I suoi oggetti sono unici e non gli toglieresti mai gli occhi di dosso.

Thanks Nuno

Messaggi : 340
Data d'iscrizione : 05.01.10
Località : ARBOREA (or)

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Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!  Empty Re: Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!

Messaggio Da Trotista Mer Ott 16, 2013 1:17 pm

Dear Nuno,
another two masterpieces...ok 
Please, let us knows about your secret:
- which brand of resin you used for wrapping? ironico  
- I love your decals...How do you make them? big smile
Thanks Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!  460176

Messaggi : 287
Data d'iscrizione : 12.11.10
Età : 53
Località : Prov. LODI

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Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!  Empty Re: Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!

Messaggio Da Nuno Paulino Mer Ott 16, 2013 1:59 pm

INDIANRIP ha scritto:Grazie per la tua presenza sulla community, ho espresso solo una mia opinione e tu non credo devi dare alcuna spiegazione, i tuoi lavori dicono tutto ok 
Antonio its not an explication just two rod builders talking about their passion. Thats how we can develop our skills and evolve as rodbuilders. Thats why i still post some of my rods in two or three forums.

About the epoxy that i use, i started with Flex Coat and for some time i tried different brands but i came back to Flex Coat Ultra V. For me is the best. Have a learning curve a little hard but its the one i like more.

The graphics are made by me and they are stickers. I use a green line paper with holographic or silver paper under it. I have a step by step published in an american forum and if you want i can put it in here if you think that can help you guys.

Thank you for all the comments.

Ultima modifica di Nuno Paulino il Mer Ott 16, 2013 3:53 pm - modificato 1 volta.
Nuno Paulino
Nuno Paulino
Advanced members
Advanced members

Messaggi : 67
Data d'iscrizione : 03.03.12
Età : 52

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Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!  Empty Re: Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!

Messaggio Da INDIANRIP Mer Ott 16, 2013 2:09 pm

Tutto quello che pubblichi su ITRB e' di enorme aiuto per chi vuole andare avanti, grazie

Antonio Bonfa'

Messaggi : 1674
Data d'iscrizione : 23.01.10
Età : 59
Località : Ancona

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Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!  Empty Re: Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!

Messaggio Da fumo78 Mer Ott 16, 2013 5:28 pm

Simply the best...really...

Messaggi : 1276
Data d'iscrizione : 14.03.10
Età : 46
Località : Sicilia(Me)-friuli(pn)

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Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!  Empty Re: Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!

Messaggio Da HOBAO Mer Ott 16, 2013 6:47 pm

awesome Nuno.....ok

Messaggi : 506
Data d'iscrizione : 03.03.10
Età : 52

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Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!  Empty Re: Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!

Messaggio Da FatesWarning Sab Ott 19, 2013 4:34 pm

Amazing Nuno!!

i also want a 'Tallica fishing rod!!

Messaggi : 232
Data d'iscrizione : 19.09.13
Età : 38
Località : Roma

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Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!  Empty Re: Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!

Messaggio Da Misterwhite Mar Ott 22, 2013 4:09 pm

Very very nice Nuno Very Happy
Special builders
Special builders

Messaggi : 481
Data d'iscrizione : 16.10.12

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Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!  Empty Re: Due cane blu! - same color different kind of fishing!

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