Italian Rod Building
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Golden Flames - Micro Wave on a Surfcasting rod

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Golden Flames - Micro Wave on a Surfcasting rod Empty Golden Flames - Micro Wave on a Surfcasting rod

Messaggio Da Nuno Paulino Sab Mag 03, 2014 5:08 pm

This is a Surfcasting rod build with an American Tackle series ATX blank, Micro Wave guides and Aero seat.
All threads used are ProWrap.
The blank was hand painted by me.
The inlays on the grips where done with the laser engraving technique that is showed on RodMaker magazine last issue.  
Graphic its all black to contrast with the blank paint job.
Some of you at this point may be wondering how the Micro Wave work on this blank. Well the rod cast like a dream. Never had a 11´rod that cast like this one. 100m with 80gr weight its easy to achieve.

EVA butt with golden flames on it
Golden Flames - Micro Wave on a Surfcasting rod Goldenflames_grip1
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More flames in the grip and the name of the rod followed by the Aero seat.

Golden Flames - Micro Wave on a Surfcasting rod Goldenflames_grip
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Graphic its very simple, just a fish skeleton and the name of the rod with my logos.

Golden Flames - Micro Wave on a Surfcasting rod Goldenflames_graphicmaster
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Golden Flames - Micro Wave on a Surfcasting rod Goldenflames_graphic

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Black Micro Wave guides with simple wraps in black with golden trims.

Golden Flames - Micro Wave on a Surfcasting rod Goldenflames_guides1
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Golden Flames - Micro Wave on a Surfcasting rod Goldenflames_guides
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Golden Flames - Micro Wave on a Surfcasting rod Goldenflames_guides2
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Golden Flames - Micro Wave on a Surfcasting rod Goldenflames_detail

Just want to say that this a Surfcasting rod "American" way, not Europe way. That will be the next step wit the Micro Waves.
Hope you guys like this one!

Nuno Paulino
Nuno Paulino
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Messaggi : 67
Data d'iscrizione : 03.03.12
Età : 52

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Golden Flames - Micro Wave on a Surfcasting rod Empty Re: Golden Flames - Micro Wave on a Surfcasting rod

Messaggio Da MAGMA Sab Mag 03, 2014 9:12 pm

what to say Nuno ... amazing as usual , there is no  way to find somethig wrong ..
Eccelent painting , would be very interesting to knowsomething more about the marbling or special coat you used
Very cool laser engraving  , i suppose once engraved you hand painted in gold ?
one more question would be about th guides , you had to put the first guide farer then usual with MW system ?
Top builders
Top builders

Messaggi : 694
Data d'iscrizione : 03.10.11
Età : 53
Località : Busto Arsizio

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Golden Flames - Micro Wave on a Surfcasting rod Empty Re: Golden Flames - Micro Wave on a Surfcasting rod

Messaggio Da Nuno Paulino Dom Mag 04, 2014 12:37 am

Hi Magma!

The painting was just made with several strokes of golden, bronze and a little silver. I just keep adding strokes with the brush until i was satisfied with the result. To cover everything i use an automotive two components varnish that i apply with an air brush.
The laser engraving its like you say but i dont use paint, i use finish with pigments. If you have opportunity take a look at the RodMaker magazine. It brings a full article about this technique where i explain step by step.
About the guides, i put the first guide a little farther like if it is a normal guide on a heavy spinning rod and then the rest of the guides i follow the MW system.

Nuno Paulino
Nuno Paulino
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Messaggi : 67
Data d'iscrizione : 03.03.12
Età : 52

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Golden Flames - Micro Wave on a Surfcasting rod Empty Re: Golden Flames - Micro Wave on a Surfcasting rod

Messaggio Da MAGMA Dom Mag 04, 2014 8:03 pm

thx for explaing me Nuno Wink the painting is really awesome
Top builders
Top builders

Messaggi : 694
Data d'iscrizione : 03.10.11
Età : 53
Località : Busto Arsizio

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Golden Flames - Micro Wave on a Surfcasting rod Empty Re: Golden Flames - Micro Wave on a Surfcasting rod

Messaggio Da Massimo Milone Lun Mag 05, 2014 9:28 am

As usual .... perfect .... beautiful ..... But how can you have a lacquer so beautiful?  
Massimo Milone
Massimo Milone
Cool Builders
Cool Builders

Messaggi : 464
Data d'iscrizione : 19.11.12
Località : Napoli - Procida

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Golden Flames - Micro Wave on a Surfcasting rod Empty Re: Golden Flames - Micro Wave on a Surfcasting rod

Messaggio Da Nuno Paulino Lun Mag 05, 2014 10:32 am

on the blank i use a two component automotive varnish and i apply it with an air brush. Of course that i did lots of practice before i start using it on the clients rods

In the guides and graphic i use Flexcoat UltraV.

Nuno Paulino
Nuno Paulino
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Messaggi : 67
Data d'iscrizione : 03.03.12
Età : 52

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Golden Flames - Micro Wave on a Surfcasting rod Empty Re: Golden Flames - Micro Wave on a Surfcasting rod

Messaggio Da Massimo Milone Mar Mag 06, 2014 9:32 am

Always friendly ..... thanks .... I hope to do well .... I once ...  ok
Massimo Milone
Massimo Milone
Cool Builders
Cool Builders

Messaggi : 464
Data d'iscrizione : 19.11.12
Località : Napoli - Procida

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Golden Flames - Micro Wave on a Surfcasting rod Empty Re: Golden Flames - Micro Wave on a Surfcasting rod

Messaggio Da Peppe Mar Mag 06, 2014 5:49 pm

fantastic !!! Is a masterpiece of yours  ok ok ok 

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Messaggi : 4092
Data d'iscrizione : 14.06.09
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Golden Flames - Micro Wave on a Surfcasting rod Empty Re: Golden Flames - Micro Wave on a Surfcasting rod

Messaggio Da Pako75 Mer Mag 07, 2014 11:47 pm

AMAZING!!!!!!! Shocked 

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Messaggi : 69
Data d'iscrizione : 21.04.10
Età : 49
Località : Guidonia (RM)

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