Italian Rod Building
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» Presentazione Mupo
Da Mupo Dom Giu 23, 2024 2:04 pm

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Da robertomassamicun75 Mer Giu 19, 2024 2:08 pm

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Da Daniele Tartaglia Mer Mag 15, 2024 9:50 am

» Buongiorno!
Da Jolao Mar Mag 14, 2024 10:28 am

» Ciao a tutti !
Da Angelosali Dom Apr 07, 2024 9:00 pm

» Vorrei imparare a rilegarmi le canne bolognesi da solo
Da Alessio Mar Mar 05, 2024 12:52 pm

» Presentazione
Da Bebbo81 Lun Feb 05, 2024 9:23 pm

» Un saluto a tutti
Da Peppe Mer Gen 10, 2024 12:23 pm

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Da Paolo1991 Lun Dic 11, 2023 8:10 am

» Ciao a tutti!
Da ORA Mer Nov 22, 2023 8:42 pm

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ItRB è marchio registrato a nome dell'amministratore. Si fa espresso divieto di utilizzare il marchio ItRB in modo proprio o improprio se non nei modi e nelle forme approvate dall'amministratore. Per i contravventori l'amministrazione si riserva di adire alle vie legali nel pieno rispetto della proprietà e dei diritti da essa proveniente. Del marchio succitato è vietata la riproduzione e l'utilizzo se non previa concessione di licenza non trasferibile. L'utente riconosce espressamente tutti i diritti dell'amministratore relativi al marchio ItRB. L'utente è, altresì, consapevole che accedendo a questo sito, e partecipando a scritti, attività o iniziative di qualunque natura e a qualunque livello, non acquisterà alcun diritto connesso al sito od al marchio, né alcun avviamento in una qualsivoglia attività. L'utente si obbliga, inoltre, a non disporre, direttamente o per interposta persona, del marchio ItRB ad alcun titolo ne in favore di se stesso ne di terzi, siano essi persone fisiche e/o giuridiche.

Wave Tech - Spinning rod by Nuno Paulino

Andare in basso

Wave Tech - Spinning rod by Nuno Paulino Empty Wave Tech - Spinning rod by Nuno Paulino

Messaggio Da Nuno Paulino Ven Feb 01, 2013 5:35 pm

Like Peppe i have been in a interest conflict in this contest.
As you all know i am a American Tackle Pro Stuff member and AmTack is a member of the jury.
For this reason I almost give up but for respect with all the builders involved in this i decided to build a rod in the best way i can and know.
This is the result.

When i build a custom rod i allways try to build it at the image of the owner, put something in the rod that makes the client identify himself with the rod. To this one the client its a real pain in the back side, me Very Happy!
I am very exigent with my builds and for this one i wanted to raise the bar a litle more so i make something new.
I chose a green Matrix blank (AMSH1025-2) for Steel-head with 2,65m that i like to use in the kind of Spinning that i practice in here. Very light and fast and casts in a really easy way.
Micro Wave guides was the chosen ones. I wanted a high end quality guides on this hi-tec rod and at the same time its a rod that i can use to my clients try this new system. I use the NCMW-SET with Nanolite rings. The rod have a total of 12 guides plus the tip top.
Reel seat is a Aero Comfort Finish. I like the way they feel in the hand.
Everything from American Tackle.
In the grip i make what i call a sliced split grip. Gives a cool look to the rod, its comfortable in the hand and give a very good grip.
I just sliced the eva parts and glue them with aluminum washers forming small cylinders that i glue in the grip separated for 1,5cm.
Under the pieces i have a synthetic green leather with the AmTack logo laser engraved.
The graphic have the name of the rod, "Wave-Tech" with a abstract background with some wave lines.
I wanted to build the rod with a hi-tec look and i think that i did it. I am a happy costumer with this one big smile
I hope you guys like this one.

Wave Tech - Spinning rod by Nuno Paulino Wavetech

Wave Tech - Spinning rod by Nuno Paulino Wavetechgrip

Wave Tech - Spinning rod by Nuno Paulino Wavetechreelseat

Wave Tech - Spinning rod by Nuno Paulino Wavetechgraphic

Wave Tech - Spinning rod by Nuno Paulino Wavetechguide

Wave Tech - Spinning rod by Nuno Paulino Wavetechguide1

Wave Tech - Spinning rod by Nuno Paulino Wavetechguide2

Nuno Paulino
Nuno Paulino
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Data d'iscrizione : 03.03.12
Età : 52

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