Italian Rod Building
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Sporting Clube de Portugal Surfcasting rod

4 partecipanti

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Sporting Clube de Portugal Surfcasting rod Empty Sporting Clube de Portugal Surfcasting rod

Messaggio Da Nuno Paulino Ven Mag 04, 2012 8:02 pm

I build this one with a WFT blank with 4,20m to cast 200grs weights, Alps reel seat and guides, ProWrap thread and ProKote finish.
The rod is dedicated to one of the biggest soccer clubs in Portugal and in Europe, the Sporting Clube de Portugal.

Sporting Clube de Portugal Surfcasting rod Sportingw

Aluminum butt

Sporting Clube de Portugal Surfcasting rod Sportingbutt

I am tired of seeing my rods with scratches caused by the rod holders so in this one i put a protective fibre glass piece in the grip and in the opposite side a green lion that is the symbol of Sporting.

Sporting Clube de Portugal Surfcasting rod Sportingprotection

Sporting Clube de Portugal Surfcasting rod Sportingprotection1

Aluminum reel seat with the windows in neon yellow to match the wraps.

Sporting Clube de Portugal Surfcasting rod Sportingreelseat

The graphic its composed with several photos of some of the great Sporting players. The photo with the five players use to be called "The five violins" because they played in a very beautiful way that looks like music. The other black and white photo its one of the best strikers in the Portuguese soccer history, Manuel Fernandes and the two colour photos are from Luis Figo and from Cristiano Ronaldo. I also add the Sporting symbol and of course the client name.

Sporting Clube de Portugal Surfcasting rod Sportinggraphic

Sporting Clube de Portugal Surfcasting rod Sportinggraphic1

Sporting Clube de Portugal Surfcasting rod Sportinggraphic2

Sporting Clube de Portugal Surfcasting rod Sportinggraphic3

The guide wraps

Sporting Clube de Portugal Surfcasting rod Sportingguide

Tip guide wraps

Sporting Clube de Portugal Surfcasting rod Sportingtip

Ferrule and tip top

Sporting Clube de Portugal Surfcasting rod Sportingferrule

Hope you guys like this one. Feel free to comment.

Nuno Paulino
Nuno Paulino
Advanced members
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Messaggi : 67
Data d'iscrizione : 03.03.12
Età : 53

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Sporting Clube de Portugal Surfcasting rod Empty Re: Sporting Clube de Portugal Surfcasting rod

Messaggio Da Ospite Ven Mag 04, 2012 8:13 pm

Great job Nuno ! Shocked Shocked
I don't have words to give you my best compliments! You made a huge rod and excelent shoot. ok


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Sporting Clube de Portugal Surfcasting rod Empty Re: Sporting Clube de Portugal Surfcasting rod

Messaggio Da Cosimo Angione Ven Mag 04, 2012 10:14 pm

WOW!!!!! Sporting Clube de Portugal Surfcasting rod 797865
Really great work!!!
Cosimo Angione
Cosimo Angione

Messaggi : 1083
Data d'iscrizione : 05.02.10
Età : 51
Località : Lecce

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Sporting Clube de Portugal Surfcasting rod Empty Re: Sporting Clube de Portugal Surfcasting rod

Messaggio Da fumo78 Ven Mag 04, 2012 10:38 pm

Nuno...i can't find word for this your last's fantastic...i have some question for the second photo,the aluminum but...but,were do you find it?I like it...

Messaggi : 1276
Data d'iscrizione : 14.03.10
Età : 46
Località : Sicilia(Me)-friuli(pn)

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Sporting Clube de Portugal Surfcasting rod Empty Re: Sporting Clube de Portugal Surfcasting rod

Messaggio Da Peppe Sab Mag 05, 2012 4:15 pm

It's a masterpiece !!! ok ok ok

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Messaggi : 4092
Data d'iscrizione : 14.06.09
Età : 59
Località : Piana del Sele

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Sporting Clube de Portugal Surfcasting rod Empty Re: Sporting Clube de Portugal Surfcasting rod

Messaggio Da Ospite Sab Mag 05, 2012 5:43 pm

affraid number One !


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